Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Ignorance is Bliss, so is school.

So yeah, thought I'd create a blog to better my writing skills, or typing at that. But hey, thought I'd just keep writing so I can see how my perspective on generally everything in life changes as I grow and experience. So yeah, got out of class today and jumped on the bus. After boarding the bus I sat in the back and in the corner of my eye I seen a Nazi flag with a face with blonde hair and blue eyes, drawn in an assortment of permanent markers. I was like, what the fuck, some hating person is full of time. After moving from a small town to the big city I really see the differences between here and there. No one looks at you, but like I care right? Racism is rampant in the city I live in, but it's probably like that in any big city, but from travelling to various cities in Canada I find that this city, Edmonton, is the worse by far. There are plenty of stereotyping in this city, for instance, once I got kicked out of a bar called "The Pint: Public House" for wearing track pants, WTF?! You would think that a bar with name "Public House" in the name wouldn't have a dress code. What does track pants say about my character anyways? That I'm a gangsta? Up to no good? It pisses me off how some people stereotype, actually I don't even like the word "stereotype", there's no difference between stereotyping and racism when there is color involved. It amazes me how people can have a preset character for you upon first appearances based on your color, or the way you dress.

Annnyyyywhhhhhaays, off with the fucking ranting. IF YOU HAVE KIDS/GOING TO/OR FUCK LOTS WITHOUT RUBBERS, make fucking sure your kids/kids to be/young nieces/nephews are brought up with a thick rope of education. I'm fucking 19 years old and I'm fucking upgrading all my god damn high school courses because I thought picking up the joint was more important than school. Actually the weed didn't make me stupid, but it did limit my learning while in school. Ever heard the saying "mind of matter", I'm a strong believer. I've been a monstrous (and I mean monstrous) fucking pothead for 5 whole fucking years and the whole "pot kills braincells" doesn't work with me. After being out of school for nearly two years and not even being well informed with any aspect of formal education I have found that anyone can go back to school, but you have to want to, if you want to anything is possible after that. For instance, back in high school I had enrolled in the academic strain of mathematics, "pure math", and after having the first class I had continually told myself "this class is for smart people, I can't do this", but now I realize that maybe I just did not want to be in school at the time. My favorite subject is mathematics because I'm very good with numbers, also with math, everything can be checked once you think you have the right solution. I absolutely hate when people say "I'm bad at math". NO YOU ARE FUCKING NOT, you just don't want to do it. The other thing I like about math is that when you are doing it, absolutely nothing is going on in your mind; no worries, no problems. The only thing going through your head is how the fuck you are going to find x or y. It amazes me at how god damn swell I'm doing in math right now, I cannot fucking wait to take calculus, BONER TIME.